Lil Groovers (3-5) - pre school street dance program for Littles. Unassisted. Progressive weekly hip hop creative movement set to high energy, family friendly, popular music. Learn the basics of Hip Hop party grooves, freestyle skills and head to toe coordination with your friends

Big Groovers (6-10)  - the next stage after lil groovers is our progressive, performance sessions called Big Groovers. Explore even more styles such as hip hop, top rock, popping and locking and more advanced groove concepts to boost confidence in their movement and strength. This is progressive weekly hip hop sessions building towards a final performance on the last class.

Teen Grooves (ages 11-16) - the next stage after big groovers for tweens and teens! No experience required. Learn the fundamentals in New and old school Hip Hop moves to advance in choreography and freestyle skills. Dancers will learn the latest trendy social Hip Hop dances to perform with new friends and get some performance training to conquer their nerves in front of their peers

Adult Grooves (ages 30+) - adults wanting to be in a fun and High energy setting to explore old school party grooves from the night clubs and house parties back in the day! Slowly advance into more new school movement and perform with friends.

Spring Session Starts March 5th!